What's ENT stand for? | ENT Consultant in Lahore

ENT Consultant in Lahore Ear, nose and throat specialists, also called ENTs, ENT doctors and otolaryngologists, specialize in otolaryngology (pronounced ō-tō-la-rən-gä-lə-jē). Otolaryngologists diagnose, manage and treat disorders of the head and neck, including the ears, nose throat, sinuses, voice box (larynx) and other structures. Otolaryngology is a surgical specialty and ENTs are trained in the medical and surgical management of disease.At the point when it's the ideal opportunity for head and neck medical procedure, don't simply be content with any old specialist you find in the telephone directory. You need somebody who has particular preparing in the territory that will be worked on. In the event that you need eye medical procedure, visit an eye expert. On the off chance that you need take a shot at your vertebrae or plates, discover somebody who spends significant time in that kind of neck medical procedure. There are various particular specialists working in Lahore-...